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All text, image and other materials contained or displayed on any PCF Investment Group, Inc. (PCF) site are proprietary to PCF and constitute valuable intellectual property. No materials from any part of any PCF site are authorized or intended by PCF to be downloaded, transmitted, broadcast, reproduced or in any other way used or otherwise disseminated in any form to any person or entity, unless said person or entity has license to do so.  All unauthorized duplication or any other use of materials from PCF Web sites, including, but not limited to, use on other Web sites, or in offers to resell PCF products using similar names or descriptions, shall constitute intentional infringement(s) of PCF intellectual property and shall further constitute a violation of our trademarks, copyrights, and other rights. Without further notice we will prosecute to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Copyright Infringement Warning

If you are thinking about borrowing (stealing) someone else's material.  You should read this!

Copyright laws provide for penalties of up to $150,000 per infringement.  That is ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!   This is not just some arbitrary number, keep in mind that this amount was just recently increased from $100,000 per infringement in order to give the copyright law even more teeth than it already had.

So, let's say you go to a someone's website, download one of their pictures, or copy their text, and then use it on your website without permission.

In order to save a little time and maybe a few bucks, you have just opened yourself and or your company up to a $150,000 liability for each infringement.  And when the rightful owner finds you (and they will), the legal "cause of action" that lands on your desk (a subpoena) will be seeking $150,000.00 for EACH infringement.  Hiding behind that corporate shield won't help you either, because copyright infringement is a criminal act.

Stealing copyrighted material is not only unfair to us, but it is also unfair to our good customers who follow the law and pay us for the use of our copyrighted material. We have an obligation to protect our customers.

Because it's so easy these days for one person to "steal" the creative work of somebody else, lawmakers have recognized that for copyright laws to be effective, they must have teeth. If you use our copyrighted material without permission we will utilize the law to it's fullest extent.  We prosecute every copyright infringement, no questions asked, and we will always seek the maximum fine of $150,000 when we file suit.

You can have a great web site designed using professional copy writers and artists for a thousand dollars or less.  There is no need to steal other peoples copyrighted material.  However, if you really think that stealing that one image, or that one catchy phrase is worth a $150,000 gamble then you must know that time is not on your side.  Sophisticated spiders can easily match copied text and identify stolen images.  Theses spiders work 24/7 and you WILL get caught.








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